Thursday, January 21, 2016

Poetry, Planets, Power Plugs and Putty

Some art I think is better seen in the media than on the walls of suburbia. Take this Lego-ish creation depicting Donald Duck. I was obviously intrigued enough to catch a photo of the pixelated image, but I actually like it better in my photo than I did in the store. It primarily functions from the straight-ahead view, so I like it in that aspect.

One night in Orlando, while waiting for the fireworks in Magic Kingdom, we were on the beach at the Polynesian Resort watching a mini-light show. It was fun, and the GRANDS enjoyed it. Here is a shot of one (three?) of the little boats being pulled through the lagoon.

This set of lights was near the end of the show. You can see the lights of Sleeping Beauty's castle to the right.

Are any of you X-Files-o-philes? I watched several episodes, but did not make it through any complete season. So, I am mildly curious about the new episodes, but may or may not watch them. For those of you who wonder if the truth is really out there, I came across a map that displays the locations the team visits in each of the original episodes.

If these is anything out there, maybe it lives on the possible ninth planet of our solar system? If it exists, scientists estimates its 'year' (the time it takes to orbit our sun) would be between 10,000 and 20,000 of our years.

This is not your daddy's bicycling. It's not even mine nor my kid's. This is crazy Parkour biking.

What image does the name OUTlet bring to mind? Mainly the fact that my fingers held down the CAPS key for too long? From now on, it will make you think of a pop-out electrical outlet being pitched on Kickstarter. And it does look pretty sweet.

Keeping in the same vein, what image does 'liquid glass putty' bring to mind? It meant nothing to me, but it did cause the folks at Vat19 to film a guy taking a bath in the stuff.

Vat19 also offers a device to make your own healthy potato chips (or any other veggie you choose) at home. They also offer a product for your own microwave popcorn (you do know that the packaged microwave corn is really bad for you, right?).

Let's end with an homage to Sarah Palin. Or maybe it's an homage to Walt Whitman? Anyway, an article makes the case that Sarah Palin's rhetoric should be seen more as poetry than straight political speech. Here's an example, as formatted by Jason Gilbert of Fusion:
I Sing the Body Apoplectic

We all have a part in this, we all have a responsibility.
Looking around at all of you, you hard-working Iowa families.
You farm families! And teachers! And teamsters! And cops, and cooks!
You rockin’ rollers! And holy rollers!
All of you who work so hard,
You full-time moms!
You, with the hands that rock the cradle!
You all make the world go round,
and now,

Our cause is one!

Well, I likely have a root canal scheduled for this afternoon. Hmm, is it worse having to come in to work, or having a tooth worked on. Neither is that much fun, you know? Have a Thrilling Thursday.

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