Wednesday, January 06, 2016

It's a Scary, Good Post Today

Chips, anyone? No, not THOSE chips. I am talking about some yummy kale chips. Don't want to heat up your kitchen to bake them? No problem. These can be prepared in the microwave.

So, trying to stay healthy? Do you think you could (or could have) play(ed) football in your late 30s? Some of that could be impacted by your diet. Tom Brady's chef has revealed some of his secrets. They include veggies, whole grains, lean meats, no white sugar, no white flour, no MSG, no tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, or eggplants. No coffee. No caffeine. No fungus. No dairy. I suppose having a personal chef to make me delicious food out of the good stuff would help, but suddenly, I am craving a pizza.

Have you been checking out all those images where you are looking for pandas or cats? Well, this article has a photo that purports to show a ghost in a graveyard. Even with the alleged specter circled, I cannot see it. Can you?

As you already know, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's a photo that needs no clarification.

Finally, a gift that everyone can use. A spoon designed to let you dip your cookies into milk. The Dipr is on sale NOW!

As I scan Yahoo this morning, I see so many stories about Making of a Murderer on Netflix. Wow. People want Steven Avery to get a new trial. Former prosecutors say the show excludes some evidence. Former jurors are speaking out. I'd like to watch it, but then I'd have to miss another show I am recording. Suddenly, I came across news that lets me do both. A new Dish DVR will let me record up to 16 shows AT THE SAME TIME! Can life get any better?

Did I fall asleep while everyone else was opening gifts? I came across this photo in my archives where I see that the GRANDS had opened their gifts, but no one was around. Why did I take it? What story was I thinking to share about it? I don't know. Now, it is just the detritus left behind after the frenzy of gift revelation and surprise.

One of the gifts SS and D-I-L gave my folks was this painting of a tree (aspen?) with the initials and a heart carved into it. It pairs very nicely with the Family Tree art with all the family members names representing the branches.

Why did I take a picture of my daughter's cat? Again, I don't know.

Why did I write this Clarity of Vision comic? It's just what I do.

I am running late today, so I will not take up anymore of either of our time. Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

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