Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Orange You Glad It's Not Black and White?

You know what we have not talked about in a while? Dryer sheets. They are good for more than static cling in the dryer, you know. I saw an article that lists a bunch of ideas, and I won't share them all, but here are a couple that might tempt you to read the rest of the options. One is to consider slipping a dryer sheet in your back pocket. Research has shown that a couple of chemical compounds commonly found in the sheets will deter the gnats and mosquitoes from hanging around. Another is for dusting. Swiffers are great, but frequent refills can be costly. To save money, try a used dryer sheet. Go see what else you can do.

You want to know about something else that can be repurposed once you have used it up? How about turning your old phone into a home security camera you can watch from anywhere? Sound interesting? Read about the apps and the steps to do so here.

I have a little (black and white) Lego food art to share before we go on.

Have you always admired seeing another person's gallery wall (a wall with coordinated prints/photos and a pleasant arrangement of multiple pieces of art)? I came across an article that gives you an idea of how to create your own. It is fairly basic but might get your creative juices going.

Have you always admired other people's kitchens with the drawers in the cabinets that let you use all your space? Here is a tutorial on how to use IKEA drawers in your existing cabinets. It makes it look doable.

While the majority of the leaves we 'peeped' in Colorado were yellow, we would always try to spot those that had orange. Here, you can see a bit just off to the left of the road.

And here we are, looking at the tree up around the corner in the previous photo.

And here is a larger stand of those trees.

And now, let's zoom in on the tree there on the left. It is a shame that the photos cannot do justice to how bright those trees looked in the sunlight.

I don't often share the daily entry from my 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar, but today's entry just begged to be shared.
"Rutland Regional Medical Center President Thomas Hubner says he's optimistic about the future except when he's not."
Rutland (Vermont) Herald

That last quote was almost risible, right? What? You don't know what 'risible' means? I didn't either, until I looked it up this morning after seeing it in an article online. It means 'causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous'. Now we both learned something new today.

Now for something that IS risible, at least in my own mind.

Something that may not be risible is the fact that we have reached the end of today's blog post. We'll get back together again soon. I promise. Make it  a Tremendous Tuesday, my friends.

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