Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday's Mish-Mash Plus a Capybara

Dad has a recipe for a dump cake that is pretty tasty. However, I came across a list of 50 dump cake recipes that could give him (and me. And you) some new ideas.

While we are talking about eating, I found a story about a guy that researched the difference between 'dinner' and 'supper'. Do you know? I did, but maybe I looked it up at some point in my past. You can find the results of a survey here, but the graph of those who say the words mean the same thing are shown below.

Are you eating more healthily (is that a word)? Even though more and more companies are tweaking their recipes to exclude bad stuff and include more good stuff, we are still getting heavier. What's up with that? I am pretty much staying the same weight for the last few years (I weigh 6.6 lbs less than I did in Sept, 2012). However, do NOT ask about cholesterol.

I am going to share an ad for a photo manipulation app. I am not plugging it, but rather asking you to take a look at the photo they chose to use as a sample. Here is the 'after' photo. Are you impressed? Click on the link to see the original. Which do you prefer? I do not like the end results and much prefer the photo as it was taken. (UPDATE: I lost the link. So, just look at the after shot and think, "Wow! I wish I could see the original.")

I heard an ad on the radio this morning saying that if you smell rotten eggs, call 911 because it implies a gas leak. How many of you have ever actually smelled that sulphuric smell because of a rotten egg? I am not sure that I have. Still, I suppose it is more logical to link the smell to rotten eggs than to volcanic lava or the gates of hell.

What did we do last night, you might ask? We went to Evil Dead: The Musical. It did have some funny stuff in it, and it included a well-done 'abandoned cabin' that was fun, but it had way too many curse words in it. Wait a minute?! When did I become my father? Anyway, you can search youtube to see some clips.

Oh, you sneaky internet. The title of '10 Fun Things to Frame (That Aren't Just Pictures)' made me look, but I didn't see much that interested me. Frame antique brooches? How many of us have those? Luxury shopping bags? That doesn't sound like great wall art to me. Maps? Yeah, maybe. Check the list out. Maybe you'll find something you'd like on your walls.

One thing that I DID find interesting today was this article with photos from the building of the Panama Canal. It also reminds me of a famous, clever palindrome. 'A man, a plan, a canal - Panama'.

I am quite sure that I have never seen anyone rating animals, but I came across a review of the capybara. What is it, and who cares anyway? Read the review and judge for yourself.

We now transition from a cute capybara to a less-cute Clarity of Vision.

Did your NFL team of choice win yesterday? I had one of each. Oh well, life goes on. Make it Marvelous today, OK?

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