Friday, November 20, 2015

Last of the Week, But Not the Least (OK, It IS the Least)

Everyday photos from Darth Vader. Isn't that something you have been asking to see? Go check them all out.

Something else you have been asking to see is another way to enjoy Oreos. How does Oreo Churros sound? Interested? Apparently, they are coming soon to a grocery store near each of us. Just be patient.

Are you traveling for Thanksgiving? Flying or driving? Have you heard that the day before Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days? It turns out that is not true if you are flying. This survey showed that it is only the 121st busiest day of the year. Surprising, isn't it?

Do you like to visit sites where some famous movie scene was filmed. Remember that, a few weeks ago, I shared some shots from where part of True Grit was filmed. I don't have any more shots from a site I visited, but I do have an article telling us about some places. These include the original building for the 1960 Psycho file at Universal Studios. If you are in Oregon, you could visit the hotel used for the exterior shots in The Shining. Check out the other places in this article.

I am both out of time and out of story ideas. The interweb isn't really giving me fun stuff to share. However, the newscast last night did give me a Clarity of Vision comic idea.

How about we agree to take the weekend off and get back together next week, OK? Until then, have a Fine Fin de Semana.

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