Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Preacher Bro Photo? In MY Blog? It's True

I have been sharing photos from my recent Fall vacation to Colorado. As I was looking at them to decide what to post today, I came across this one and was looking at it to evaluate its interest and decide how to introduce it. I decided I don't really like it. So, why am I sharing it? I want to see what you feel when you look at it. I was trying to bring the nice yellow and orange colors in close. I did catch the color, but I lost a sense of focus. There's no real point of interest in the shot.

I was enjoying the spaces of gray/white tree trunks between the colors of the leaves when I took this photo. I still like that, and I like the bits of color that appear below the other line of leaves, peeking out from behind the evergreens. However, like the one above, it isn't really a very good photo. It's nice, but it is not good.

Now, I'm showing you one of the photos that Preacher Bro took. Much better focal points here. Notice how the orange appears as bands winding through the yellow. It pulls in your eye and makes you interested in reviewing the rest of the shot. That's what we all strive for. Well done, Preach.

I am finding ZIPPO in today's search of web sites. I did come across this map (and you know that I love maps) of the most searched-for diets over the past few years. Does the data reflect your own personal searches? I see that my area did search a lot for veganism a few years ago, just as I did. However, I am not searching for gluten-free right now.

I came across this article about ball placement and NFL referees six days ago and saved it for a day like today with few news items to share. It questions if the refs are biased in placing the ball after a play. The bottom line is...almost certainly. They share reasons why it makes sense. This is a good article and you should read it, but it does involve some numbers. Beware!

OK, we will end today's fun a little bit early, but not before sharing today's CoV.

Before we go, though, I have a prayer request. Please lift up my sister-in-love and her family. Her dad passed away this past weekend, so they are dealing with that loss while dealing with the burden of some dementia from her mother. As the only child, I know sister-in-love is really hurting right now, so pray that she will find comfort and support as they say their goodbyes to her dad.

OK, have a Wonderful Wednesday. I'll see you back here soon enough.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Oh, how I wish I could claim all that all those thoughts and calculations went into the process of this very carefully crafted photograph.
Thanks for the credit.