Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Coke and a Big Mac, Please

Chick-fil-A, Wendy's, Burger King, and McDonald's walk into a bar. OK, it's not really a joke. It's a review of which has the best chicken nugget. Which would you pick? Which did they pick? Hint: it was not Wendy's.

Take a look at this photo of a small stream up in Colorado. You can see Preacher Bro trying to 'one-up' me by taking a better shot. However, that is not the point of sharing it. I want you to look at the water falling. Specifically, I want you to see that it is not very smooth. It was taken at 1/30th of a second.

Now, check this one at 1/6 of a second. The shutter was open longer, so it tends to smooth out the water. Still, I wonder if it could be smoother, don't you?

Finally, a photo taken at 1/2 sec. It is finally looking smoother. However, if I try to keep the shutter open longer, it is just too bright during the day and the photo gets blown out (too light).

Have you ever drunk a Coca-Cola from a glass bottle? The shape of that bottle was chosen in a contest, and has its own patent. It was apparently inspired by the shape of the cocoa pod. Read the details here.

I think you are the type of person who would prefer sushi over a Big Mac. Am I right? Actually, it doesn't matter. What if you could have both? Read this to see a new presentation of a Big Mac.

Sound a little too odd? OK, let's try the Big Mac fried.

OK, I hear you. You don't like Big Macs in any way. Fine, let's go with good old spaghetti-and-meatballs. That is a little more mainstream, isn't it? Great, now let's present them as a taco, with the noodles acting as the taco shell. However, it is now no longer a sandwich. So, a restaurant in L.A. does make spaghetti-and-meatballs into a sandwich, the Spaghetti Meatballwich.

And we will finish today, as we often do, with a little office humor.

I think I am trying to get a cold or something, so I think we done enough for today. It is time for my morning nap before the first conference call. Be wise this Wednesday.

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