Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weight of Words

I came across my notes that I have not shared all the Bible stories as told by kids. Here are two more:
The people who followed the Lord were called the 12 decibels. The epistles were the wives of the apostles. One of the opossums was St. Matthew who was, by profession, a taximan.
St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage. A Christian should have only one wife. This is called monotony.

Do you believe that kids said the quotes above? Come on. What child is going to say 'acrimony'?

When I was trying to decide which songs to download this week, I searched for a way to learn about some groups that I don't have but are similar to some of my favorites. I came across music-map. I searched for 'jim croce' and it said the most similar were James Taylor, Carly Simon, Cat Stevens, America, Jackson Browne, Harry Chapin. Those all seem reasonable to me. Check for yourself.

I came across some interesting information about the weight of clouds (I have never seen the movie Weight of Water. Maybe it tells you this same info?). They might look fluffy and ethereal but clouds are quite heavy; the average cumulus cloud (the big white cotton-candy-like ones you see on nice days) weigh 1.1 million pounds.

It turns out that you can make Peanut Butter Cookies with an egg, some sugar, and some peanut butter. In less than 10 minutes, you can be eating nice, hot cookies right out of the oven. Go on. You know that you want to.

Still hungry? How about some candy corn-themed cupcakes?

It is headed back up towards 110F this weekend. You know where I'd rather be than here? Well, yes, just about anywhere, but I was thinking of Colorado. Here we are with the folks outside of our cabin a few years ago. Notice that the ladies are wearing jackets and the guys are in shirt sleeves. It must have been in the 60s.

Thinking of Colorado, I can never take a shot of the falls (Cascade Falls, by the way) like this again. They erected a small covered sitting area that blocks the view. Boo.

By the way, Preacher Bro added a comment to yesterday's post correcting my assertion that Dr Pepper contains prune juice. He also commented that it might be OK if I said that for reasons of humor. In fact, I did choose Dr P just to poke a little at his family, who are all crazy for the drink. And I needed to comment on something that could have gone sour in whatever drink I chose. So, it had to be prune juice. Sorry, Preacher family.

Election season is coming, folks. That means caucuses and primaries and negative commercials.

Opinions expressed in CoV do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of A Legend In My Own Mind. Now, if you are of the opinion that this post is long enough, I do agree. Have a Thrilling Thursday.

1 comment:

Keith said...

You did what?!?
What do you think would happen if I started writing my sermons just to get a rise out of particular member of the congregation?

Did I just hear an "Amen"?