Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Vacation Surprises and Back Home Surprises

By now, you must be asking yourself, "The room looks nice, but what else does this mystical Shangri-La of a resort offer?" Maybe those are not your exact thoughts. It is probably more like, "What lame photos will he foist on us today?" Anyway, today's lame photos show some other amenities at the resort from our anniversary weekend. First, a nice, little mini-golf course.

Next, a nice, little mini-basketball court.

Third, a nice, little mini-pool for the mini-grandkids. Actually, there is a regular pool and a hot tub behind the kid's pool.

And finally, regular-sized billiards and ping-pong tables.

Our SS and daughter-in-love surprised us with a really nice gift yesterday, but it is the surprise itself that makes this a fun story. When I got home, the dog didn't even get up to greet me, so I headed to the back of the house to do some more work. I did not even turn on any lights. A bit later, Salesman Son called and chit-chatted a bit about having come back and picked up some items for a garage sale they are planning. There was a stack of stuff in the living room, but I had hardly glanced at it and hadn't known what was in it anyway. I did notice a bottle and glasses on the table, but, again, hardly glanced at it since it was probably stuff MBH was donating to the sale.

Teacher Daughter arrived a bit later, but she stayed in the front of the house and I stayed in the back, still working. Finally, MBH called me and asked if I would pick her up (since we are currently a two-car family). We hit Rubio's on the way home and SS called her while we were eating. It was a tad unusual for him to have called both her and me, but not too much.

Finally, we all got home and found that SS had indeed come by. He had taken some of the items for the sale, but he had also left an anniversary surprise. A bottle of wine and two glasses. Some nice, personalized cards. And a backyard swing that MBH had been wishing for forever. SS had been calling because he was amazed that I had been home for over two hours and never noticed any of it.

Thanks, JV+KLIK! That was so thoughtful.

CPA Cuz, if you are reading this, drop me a note to let me know how you are doing. If you are not reading this, you can ignore my above request.

Did you realize there was a world-record for treadmill running? I didn't, although I had also never considered it. Had I known, I might have been more excited to know the record was broken on Saturday. The new record is 81.62 miles in 12 hours.

If you were a gangster, how would you communicate with your people? One group in Italy used a sheep-based code. The shear audacity, right? Well, in the end, they did not pull the wool over the authorities eyes, so better luck next time.

Do you ever feel like people at work talk in code? Certainly, different industries have their own lingo. Maybe that's why bosses and I never completely sync?

Got some money? It seems it would cost $1,889 to take the Griswold's Vacation in today's money. That, of course, doesn't include food or gas or other roadside attractions along the way. You will have to choose your own family member to represent Aunt Edna.

I mentioned above that we are three people in a two-car family. I have started grazing the ads and dealer sites, but have taken no real action yet. However, I did see today that there are some cars I need to think twice about. You might want to peruse the list yourself. Hmm, one of them is the car we just rented for our trip. Bummer. I kind of liked it. Once I get a car, I need to be sure I adjust the side mirrors correctly. This dude is saying that we are all doing that wrong. Bummer.

We have reached the end of the road for today's blog post. Never fear, though, tomorrow is a new day.

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