Monday, August 10, 2015

It's Not All Black and White

Yesterday was the day, back in 1974, that Richard Nixon announced that he would resign from the presidency following damaging revelations in the Watergate scandal. I don't know where we were, but we were on vacation somewhere when it happened. I remember us seeing a newspaper announcing it. Of course, back then on vacation, we did not always have access to TV, and smartphones and the internet were still decades away. So, you can see why the memory of finding out from a newsstand still lingers, even after over 40 years. I remember the Kennedy assassination because they announced it at school. i remember 9/11 because it was all over every type of media and I was flying into the US when it happened. Well, I was trying to fly in since actually, they made our flight turn around and I was delayed by another week before I got back home.

According to this article, this is not a Photoshop trick. The girl dressed in gray-tinted clothes, and did up her makeup and hair to enhance this image. What do you think?

There is actually a second example of the same trick later in the article.

Finally, Halfbike II is coming. What is that, and who cares? According to the inventors, you pedal like you would on a normal bicycle, steer like you would on a scooter, and can now carve into corners thanks to the Halfbike II’s souped-up skateboard axle in the rear. It will be here soon for the price of $599, which may make you need to sit down.

I am sure you have heard of the Beatles. I want to comment not on the negativity about them expressed by Keith Richards last week. No, I want you to think about how they will be remembered in the year 3000. Well, actually, someone made a video to help us see this group from the eyes of those around in 1000 years.

I Googled 'Colorado postcards' and this is part of the page that came up. Can anyone spot what surprised me about the results?

This comic was originally written when LOST was still on the air and we underwent a reorg at work. Now, it is redone with LOST as a distant memory and we are undergoing a reorg at work. I guess some things never change.

We did see a movie over the weekend. The newest Mission Impossible. It was nonstop fun, so we walked out a little tired. Well, an outside temp of 107F didn't help, either. Anyway, the movie was very enjoyable and they had several old-style MI tricks going on to throw us off. And unlike 007, we are not 100% that the hero got the girl.

Listen, it is Monday and I've got a pile of things to knock out today, and a couple are needed for our 8am meeting. So, have a good day and we can visit more in 24.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

yes i too saw mission impossible ov'r the weekend...was great stunt work by the 'top-gun' himself. i was in junior high when nixon was diplayed on tv, hmmm....he is famous for this "stunt" of which his poor family took the bad reputation.

still am a beatles fan despite what all the rock haters think-remember that backward masking which channel 21 was doing with so many songs for quite a few years. i often wonder was it the person or their music which the world hates? think its a combination of both as the lifestyle goes along with the judgement call. ok am off the 70's era now!
