Thursday, April 09, 2015

Short But Sweet (Today's Post, Not Me)

It's time for another "Which do you prefer?"

I wonder if the pinkish tree on the bottom row is real? I'm sure it is, but the vignette effect detracts from the image for me. The water in the top left is interesting, but I wouldn't choose it as an image for my house. I guess I am going for either the Aspen or the Autumn Song. I actually chose these 12 because I wanted to include the chimpanzee shot. No, I would certainly not pick that one, but it is nice and silly.

While I was looking around, I came across this grouping and liked it for two reasons. One is the image itself. The sunlight and the fog and the road leading to nowhere easily draws my eye. The other reason is the cool framing of the two smaller panels around the larger center one.

Are you interested in the Apple Watch. I have been reading all the various reviews (even though I do not plan to buy one). As of now, I think David Pogue's review (in Yahoo) is the most interesting.

There is a new Dove commercial where they set up doors labeled "Average" and "Beautiful" and they put them up in many cities and watched what women chose to do. Which would you choose?

FINALLY! IKEA has started offering vegan meatlessballs at its in-store restaurant. Will I try them? I might, although we have not eaten there for years. Will you try them?

Wayback Machine? Please set a course for 1984.

Two things. I am not finding any more links, and I am out of time. So, this marks the end of today's note from Legend In My Own Mind. Y'all have a Thrilling Thursday.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Well, I have to admit that the pictures to which I am most drawn are those that are like several that you and I have taken in the past.
The "Beautiful Pathway" is similar to the Oak Alley Plantation in Louisiana. Both "Autumn Song" and "Aspen Trees" are settings of choice on our Ouray/Telluride excursions. "Yellow Birch" also leads to thoughts of autumn colors that are beautiful wherever they are found.
And I agree with your rake on the pink tree.