Friday, April 03, 2015

Good (Enough) Friday

A Mr. Cervantes caught some amazing images of the Colima volcano in Mexico (that lightning strike is unbelievable). We have driven past this volcano before, but it did not look like this. It was smoking but not erupting back then.

Did you graduate college? Did you have any student debt afterward? Hopefully, you have paid it off. Anyway, what if you could have attended Stanford FREE! Well, as long as the parents make less than $125K per year. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, and whether or not any other schools see this as an option for bringing in students.

Who likes chocolate cake? Who likes Cocoa Krispies? Finally, who likes Cadbury Eggs? If you said yes to any of those goodies, you might like this. If you said yes to ALL of those tasty treats, you WILL DEFINITELY like this. Cadbury Scotch Eggs are Cadbury Eggs surrounded with rich dark chocolate cake and then coated in Cocoa Krispies and flash fried. Actually, to me, that sounds both too sweet and too chocolatey. I share it for those of you whose mouth is still watering.

As an alternative, you could make a Cadbury's Egg milkshake. Watch the video to see how.

Check out this really cool subway map of musical styles and groups.

And while we are looking at subway maps, here is one that SS will find interesting, even if he does not agree with how the movies and genres are connected.

I don't have any photos to share, but we received an alumni magazine from our university with some old photos in it (in honor of the 125th anniversary of the school). So, here is a hotel in town that became the dorm I lived in when I attended. It is now condemned (hey, is that because of all the boys that lived there during college?).

And this is one of the main streets through downtown. This photos was from the early 1900s, but it still looked a lot like this when we went to school there.

In your work or school environments, do you have a need to take notes on anything? If so, do you use your laptop to capture them or do you write them out by hand? This article claims that you learn much more by writing them. Even if you type in everything you hear, you apparently don't learn the subject as well.

Are you middle class? It turns out that the amount you earn in middle class differs slightly for each state. You can see the list here and determine where you rate. Good luck.

Do you have autocorrect enabled on your smartphone?

Oh, on the topic of historic photos, did you know that the Eiffel Tower first opened for people on 3/31/89. Actually, that's 1889. Here was a cool set of shots that I found.

From today's 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar:
REASON FOR LEAVING: After receiving advice from several different angels, I have decided to pursue a new line of work. - item on an actual résumé

Do you have 7 minutes that you are wondering how to spend? Here, Tom Hanks and James Corden recreate top moments from all Hanks' movies on The Late, Late Show in less than 7 minutes. I enjoyed it.

There is also a new Youtube video from The Tonight Show of Jimmy Fallon and Michelle Obama doing the Evolution of Mom Dancing Part 2. (Part 1 can be seen here)

It is sounding like new benefits of coffee are being discovered daily, right? One woman found that her coffeepot itself was making her sick (hot coffee, plastic tubing in the machine, you do the math). Read about it and see if you are facing anything like she was.

MBH needs some headphones for when she is working out. We don't want to spend big bucks on them, though. I wonder where we can see a list of some good headphones for less than $45. Oh, I know. Right Here.

OK, there were plenty of links today, but I don't want you to get all glassy-eyed on me. Let's go ahead and get our weekend on. Everyone, have a Good Friday (clever joke there).

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