Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Is Moonlight Really Jejune?

The book I was reading yesterday at lunch had some words that I did not know. One of them is the one used in today's title. Do you know what 'jejune' means? It means 'not interesting or dull'. Two other words from the short story were 'limnology' and 'pannier'. 'Limnology' is the study of inland waters. 'Pannier' is a basket, bag, box, or similar container, carried in pairs either slung over the back of a beast of burden, or attached to the sides of a bicycle or motorcycle. If you were reading something and came across a word you did not know, would you look it up and trust that the meaning would become clear if you power through the section? Well, I chose to look these three up.

I did not have time last night to scan through personal photos, so today is a grab bag of things from my phone. First is some inspiration art that i saw recently at Target. I like this row of boats in black and white. Now, the thing is that I don't know what else I would make as part of a grouping with it. Another boat shot? Maybe a lake with a single tethered boat floating on it? Maybe a river shot winding through grassy hills?

What about this grouping of canvases? Do you like them? Obviously, they intrigue me somehow. I like that they form a triptych, but also that the paintings themselves have the lighter colors on top and the darker colors on the bottom. So, they overall image is physically separated by the vertical frames and visually separated by the horizontal layers of color.

The church where we recorded our CD last weekend looked like this.

And the church where I spent my youth looked like this. They look pretty similar, right? And actually, my childhood church used to have light fixtures much more like the church here. Anyway, it was like deja vu all over again.

I did not know a quadruple rainbow was even possible. Had you ever seen one, or even heard of it? Well, we all learned something today, and that is NOT a jejune fact.

I saw this headline in Yahoo today.

Did you think the same thing that I did? "Uh, ladies, you are actually in a gym and not on the ocean!"

Just when I thought I was through with Yahoo clippings, I came across another one. "There was a woman behind the sign? Did she live there or what?"

Have you been wanting to hear Kurt Cobain perform a cover of The Beatles song And I Love Her? Here you go.

This headline caught my eye. "You're Listening to Music Wrong. Here's How to Do It Right." OK, so I opened the article up and, while it is never explicitly stated, everything I read pointed me towards a Beats by Dre solution. Can you say 'Sponsored Ad'?

I also read "If You Want to Retire in the Next Five Years, Do These 9 Things Now" because of the title. Aren't you curious what things you should pay attention to as you near the next phase in your life?

Have you ever heard of A Hard Days Night? Did you see the movie? Did you own the LP (kids, that is what we called vinyl records back in the day)? Do you wish someone would discuss its cultural importance? Your wish is granted.

Have you ever had someone ask you to taste something because they think it tastes terrible? Me, too.

I have a couple of things I need to complete by 9am, so I need to head out. You guys finish up your visit without me today. See ya.

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