Thursday, April 02, 2015

Flying Out the Door

I am about to drive Dad to cataract surgery. Yes, it is more routine nowadays, but it is still opening up the eyeball, so there is a risk. Keep him and the medical team in your prayers. As far as the blog, I still have a couple of things to share, but no photos, and I am not finding many links.

When I wrote the Fear of Flying comic the other day, I had sketched out the panels and ended up going a different direction. Here now is the comic I had first envisioned.

Did you know that Yahoo offers a cake-a-day feature. It turns out that they follow that up with the top 10 cakes of the month. Do you feel left out? If so, here is the Top 10 Cakes for March, and for February, and for January. Smores cake, anyone? Red Velvet Beet Cake? Gluten-free Blueberry Pound Cake? They're all there.

Did you hear that NBC is bringing back a Heroes-related show? OK, what would you think of ABC bringing back a LOST-inspired miniseries? See the story here.

I need to finish getting ready for leaving in 8 minutes, so I will send us both on our ways. Have a Thrilling Thursday.

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