Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Flowers, Ice, Coffee and...Opium?

Today, I will take you into my thought process as I decided on and then captured an image. I knew that I wanted to have a photo of the Walt&Mickey statue in front of the castle, both because of the missing castle, and the fresh flowers planted around the base of the statue. So, I first obscured the entire base with the tulips and focused on the statue above them. From this angle, you see the tulips flowers from below.

I liked it, but there are some words on the base that I decided I wanted to capture. It reads "Partners," "I think, most of all, what I want Disneyland to be is a happy place... where parents and children can have fun together." Walt Disney. Now, you see more of the flowers and less of the green stems.

Hmm, I did want to capture the castle, so I needed a different angle. So, I stood for this one, moved so the castle could be seen next to Walt, and kept the tulips in the shot.

So, if you had to choose one to share, which would it be and why? For me, I like the look of #2 except for the small piece of the castle in the lower right. So, now my choices are limited to #1 and #3. The castle is interesting, but I really like the feel of the flowers around the statue, so I would choose #1.

Well, it is not the same Frozen as the Disney movie, but a frozen Niagara Falls is certainly worth taking a look at. There are a couple of more photos and a video here.

If you are reading this in the UK, you almost had a chance to attend KKK Wednesday at Krispy Kreme. However, they have already decided that maybe Krispy Kreme Klub is not the optimal name for this activity. I think maybe they SHOULD rethink that.

If your local newscast is anything like ours, you have seen this video multiple times. An old man in Wisconsin went on a demolition derby trying to exit a parking lot at his Piggly Wiggly store. If you haven't seen it, you really should take 30 seconds and check it out.

I started out copying an old Clarity of Vision comic for today, but ended up writing a new one. Both certer around coffee, though. Maybe I will run the old one tomorrow?

How low are you willing to let the charge on your phone get? I just noticed that mine is at 21% and decided to plug it in. I am not great at checking it. Recently, SS chided me (good word, right?) for ignoring a text he had sent. Actually, I had not even seen it (for two days?!?). So, no, I am not that much of a texter yet.

Speaking of SS, he and I went on a search for a group he had heard back around 2001 that played a Nirvana song on the sitar. Does that sound familiar? I didn't to me, either. So, we both Googled for a while and found it was Opium Jukebox. So, if that sounds like something you might like, go check it out. It is on the Music To Download Pornography By CD.

I need to do a little work before today's 9am-4pm training class starts. I am not finding that many interesting links anyway. See you soon.

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