Monday, November 14, 2016

Pandiculation and The Master of Space and Time

Today's entry from the Bad Jokes and Puns calendar:
Mary Poppins got a job as a restaurant reviewer for the local paper. At her first gig, she ordered cauliflower with cheese and a side of scrambled eggs, which she reviewed thusly: “Super cauliflower-cheese but eggs were quite atrocious.”

The alarm goes off and your eyes open. What's the first thing you do? If you're like me, you have a good stretch. This instinctual action is called pandiculation, and it does wonders for rebooting your body. You can learn more about it here.

Have you ever heard of "The Master of Space and Time"? If a person could manipulate both of those, surely they would never die, right? Well, that turned out not to be true. Leon Russell passed away in his sleep on Sunday at the age of 74. I first heard of him in college from a roommate, Jim Morris, and have been a fan ever since. His most famous song was "A Song For You." By the way, from the research I have done, his nickname of "The Master of Space and Time" came from a line in that famous song that reads "I love you in a place where there’s no space or time...." RIP, Leon.

I took a series of three photos of this scene, each one at a different zoom level. I was not sure which one would best capture the best feel of the colors surrounding the huge rock in the center. Which one do you prefer? Probably, the closest focus is the most effective for me.

I found these two related photos and snickered at the similarity of how we each react in these situations.

This is clever.

We returned from a weekend out of town last night. More on that in days to come. For today, though, I've shared enough. We are just a couple of weeks away from Thanksgiving, so let's all focus on those things for which we should be thankful. I know that we should think about this all the time, as it says in Ephesians 5, "Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 comment:

Keith said...

I agree. The close-up.