Friday, September 02, 2016

Jumping Up and Down and Then Slowing It Down

It's Friday, people. If that doesn't make you jump up and down for joy, well then you can just sit and smile inanely while the rest of us celebrate. Actually, I'm not jumping either, so I must be smiling.

The labeling on this cabinet is a clever twist of words, and you know how I like those types of mental gymnastics.

I like this little face in the toilet paper, too. Does that sound too weird? Just look at the image below.

Some Target humor.

Look at these reviews for 5-Hour Energy from Amazon.

It's time for a boring family vacation slide show. Maybe these aren't really slides, but the mental image of sitting through the family memories of others is what I wanted to bring to mind. Let's get started/  "Hey, Mister. When you are through playing with that chair on wheels, can I play with it?"

In the annual family reunion, the models in the fashion show never smile. Why is that? Maybe it is because no one is watching her walk down the runway?

"No, really. If you just drop the baby over that railing right there, he'll bounce. Why do you think they call them 'bouncing baby boys'?"

Sometimes, I click on a link just because the title sounds interesting. Sometimes, I even share that link. Rarely, I take the next step and take action based on the link. No, I haven't taken action just yet, but I really like the way on of the recipes in today's shared link sounds. The link is Crock Pot Dump Dinners with No Meat. The recipe that looks both easy and yummy is Slow Cooker Enchilada Orzo. The only other one that sounded like something I would even consider preparing is Homemade Minestrone.

Years ago, there was a song by Simon and Garfunkel called Feelin' Groovy. It begins with the words "Slow down. You move too fast. You've got to make the morning last." Do you remember it? Actually, it doesn't matter if you do or not. I am asking because Netflix offers a set of shows called "Slow TV". Topics include things like long train rides through the countryside, relaxing views of canal rides, crackling fireplaces, quiet video of people knitting, and so on. That link I shared above about the train ride? It links to the full video... all 7.7 HOURS OF IT. So, if you've got Netflix, you are all set up.

Before we go, let's end with another of the crazy series where the guy inserts himself into stock photos. Those are always good for a smile.

Well, the sooner Friday starts, the sooner it ends. Let's strike up the band and have a ball, 'cause that's all there is. Since Monday is a holiday, I will likely not post, but I'm not saying it is a done deal. Maybe you should check just in case. See you next week.

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