Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And Now, The End is Near, And Now I Face the Final Cartoon....

I only have 6 cartoons ready for publishing now. So, either I get a brainstorm or June is the end of my streak. I'll see what I can do. Wow! How do those multi-year people do it? Y'all send ideas.

No, I have not taken time to play with vacation photos yet. A few were posted on Facebook, but I have a bunch more. I did copy several into a folder for review and clean-up, but nothing is ready for prime time yet.

I see Audrey was coming home yesterday. I hope her sleeping schedule is not reversed like Alison's was when we brought her home. How was Ford? Did he sleep all night?


jade said...

lol...crazunk...one word for u...'funnynice'...:)... just do not stop the toons....do post some on "ooh-burnouts"....

Craig Weeks said...

I think the Far Side guy burned out long before the audience tired of him.

I also think Scott Adams ("Dilbert") probably gets just about all of his ideas handed to him by his readers. After all, he hasn't worked in a cube in forever. He just has to make what's handed to him funny (admittedly, not a small task).