Thursday, June 11, 2009

It is ON

Vacation is coming soon. Can't you feel it in the air? I have already asked for the time off, so luckily, I don't have to deal with the following scenario.
Yup. I talked to Dad last night. (Many of my readers call him Granddad. My sister calls him Old Grumblebottom. Well, maybe that wasn't her, but I sure thought I heard her say that one time. Or maybe not.) Anyway, he is feeling much better and has already begun gathering various vacation-related accouterments together in preparation. The only minor disappointment is that we will leave behind temperatures only in the upper-90s and not the triple digits. Still, the high today in Ouray is only 47F, so it will still be quite a transition.

I have an interview today at 1pm for a manager job in another part of the company. Pray that I will feel the Lord's presence, both during the interview and as I consider my own future.

Lyndsay's grandfather, Gayle, had his surgery yesterday. I think there will still a few complications last night, but continue to pray for healing and recovery.

And I still have not played in iPhoto from the weekend, but I did finish loading Jeremiah Johnson into iTunes. Check out yesterday's post for the link to the company that sold me this digital download.

1 comment:

NEWBIE said...

have fun in Ouray. I'd love to feel 47 degrees. It's supposed to 98 tomorrow here.