Friday, June 12, 2009

But That's Not All

I cannot believe that I haven't posted last weekend's pictures, and here it is, this weekend. We leave for Colorado at 7am tomorrow, and the grand-ones are coming over tonight to celebrate Kyle's birthday, so it probably will not happen until after vacation.

I feel that yesterday's interview went very well. If we can get the money issues worked out, I am certainly interested. If not, then I thank the Lord that I have a job that I already enjoy and I will wait for His guidance.

I heard that Gayle is not doing as well as hoped. I don't know the implications, but continue praying for him and his family and his caretakers.

Don't you hate the night before a trip. I am always afraid of what I will forget. One year, we went to Disneyland and I forgot shirts. How do you forget shirts? I found a way. I think I left them hanging on the bedroom doorknob.

So, probably no updates until June 22 or so. Sorry.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

As we back out of the driveway I say/think "Well, if we forgot anything we will have to buy our way out of it now.".