Thursday, June 04, 2009

But Not Me

I am not sure what my inspiration was for this, but it did not happen to me.
Hey, good news on the Dad front. His chemo this week went very well. He is still going in this morning for the anti-nausea treatment, but he is encouraged. Thanks for the prayers.

Happy almost Birthday to my lovely and beloved wife. I am more than glad that she is the one I get to spend the rest of my life with. And it is only 10 days until Kyle's birthday. Happy soon Birthday to him.

I've only got 17 strips left in my CoV queue. Why isn't anything funny happening around me? Or maybe, why can't I see anything as funny fodder right now? Come on, brain, think. Well, at least I am not having to run several miles per day. I wonder if I should rename my strip Non-Running Oldie to keep up with Justin?


NEWBIE said...

How about we trade? You run and I will write comic srips.

Zachary said...

Well Non-Running Oldie, did you somehow hear about the red light violation I received from one of those dang cameras or did your inspiration come from elsewhere. Oh, and just a word of warning, those tickets are expensive!!! Gonna cost me $500!!!!!!!!!!


Craig Weeks said...

Well, Z, my parents' generation would say "That'll make a believer out of you.". Ouch.