Friday, May 01, 2009

This Little Piggy Has the Flu

OK, the boss doesn't really have any kind of flu, but I had to pick a generic position so even non-corporate types can relate.

Hmm. Dad is still in the hospital. Staying longer than it takes to read one book is too long. Of course, any length of time in the hospital is too long. I'll leave it to Dad to talk about getting shoved into the MRI machine with a diameter slightly less than the breadth of his shoulders. He should also talk about being identified as an engineer by his clothes.

Kendall is coming over tonight for a while. Kathie is feeling puny, and Alison is going out with some friends, so it may fall to me to entertain her. I think all I have to do is give her some things to destroy or throw and she'll be happy.


Craig Weeks said...

... being identified as an engineer by his clothes.
That is *so* a topic idea for a future CoV.

NEWBIE said...

I knew you would come through.