Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Anyone Feeling Grumpy and Sweaty and Anxious?

It already feels like 'one of those days'. I try to maintain an upbeat attitude about life and work, but today, I feel anxious and apprehensive. True, I am in the midst of a highly visible project that is consuming most of every day, but I think this may have started before that. I know that, maybe 1-2 months ago, I mentioned to MBH that even Chorale wasn't as fun as it used to be. Of course I am praying for wisdom and guidance and understanding. And once again, just like I did the morning after Chorale practice, I woke up with 'Your Grace Still Amazes Me' in my head, and PTL, that is always true. Still, I wonder what insights the Lord will reveal as I work through this.

On top of that, I did not find any fun things to share from the web this morning.

On top of that, since it was Chorale practice night, I did not load any photos for you.

Exactly. Now we are all anxious and apprehensive. Welcome to my world.

What I DO have, though, is more of some of the recent images I found. Here is a selfie stick photo of John Wayne in True Grit.

Sure, you've heard of Grumpy Cat. Have you ever heard of Grumpy Fish?

Here's a simple Photoshop request.

Out of an article from the Smithsonian Magazine, I came across some photos by Carleton Watkins of Yosemite in the 1860s. Check out this one. I noticed something interesting in the shading. Check out the lower right of both photos. It is more washed out in the right image. And the lower left is more washed out in the left image. I wonder if that is a technique they used to help make the image seem more 3D in the stereoscope viewer?

We have been trying to get to the gym more often recently, even with the excess work hours. Anyway, here is an exercise-related CoV.

Right now, I am sweating to be sure I am ready for my first meeting in two hours. So, let's get Wednesday underway. Have a great one, my friends.

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