Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What Was I Thinking?

In AZ, traffic signs have been influenced by Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Here is one example:

Another AZ sign read "Aggressive driving is the path to the dark side". In UT, one of the road signs said, "Be a rebel, not a clone, put down the phone". Another read "Texting and driving leads to the dark side". A third showed "Yoda says buckle up you must". And a fourth displayed "May the seatbelt be with you". Have you seen anything like those in your state?

During the holidays, do you light your own fireplace? I will admit that we do not. I cannot remember the last time we burned a fire in the fireplace. OK, so if you don't have your own fire, do you ever show a video or turn on a channel showing a burning fireplace? We don't, but I found some info about those yule log videos. They have been around since 1966, but they are constantly updated. Why? Better quality prints? New technology? Read the article to get the deets for yourself.

I found it. The perfect gift y'all can give me. Sure, it is a little far from family, but you could come visit whenever you wanted. Buttermilk Falls Estate in Rhinebeck, New York, about 2 hours north of NYC, is for sale right now at $9 million. It consists of 9 buildings including 2 guesthouses. You can all pool your money and I would understand if I only got this one gift. I can hardly wait for Christmas morning. Read more about the house here.

It is a clever concept, but the poor editing job detracted from the end result. What am I talking about? An article teased about photos of presidents with man buns in their hair. I have shown the Jimmy Carter photo below, but it includes Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington, Nixon and others. Whoever added the extra hair did a really bad job at blending it in to look real. Maybe they wanted to be sure you knew the bun was not original? I don't know. You can look at and judge the photos in the article.

Here is an iPhone show I captured while waiting in line for Big Thunder Mountain in Magic Kingdom.

And I liked this mining chart for the ride. Don't my arms look dainty?

I try to take interesting photos, and I almost always have a central focus in the shot, but I don't have any idea why I took this one. I suppose it might have been the geometric shape back behind the fountain. I guess it could have been trying for reflections in the pool. I share it today to show that my photo collection does include some duds (not that you would have doubted that anyway).

More Star Wars-related CoV is a great way to end today's post.

Thanks for spending some time with me here when you could have been out shopping during the last 2 days before Christmas. See you soon.

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