Tuesday, September 29, 2015

This is One of Those Days

Sometimes, when I am working on a day's blog post, I search through all manner of websites for ideas to share with you. Some days, there are a plethora (a plethora, I say) of stories from which to choose. Other days, I find a dearth of ideas and am left with a shorter post that day. This is one of those days. So, let's enjoy our time together, no matter how brief.

Have you ever heard of Mt. Everest? If not, then maybe you are only six years old. Anyway, as the world's tallest mountain, it commands respect and preparation to make it even to the base camp, much less the peak. I recently came across an article about someone who was in base camp when the earthquake hit back in April, killing 9,000 total in Nepal, and 21 in Everest base camp. She tells the story of her experiences and I really enjoyed her narrative.

An article I saw yesterday talks about a Ford dealership that bans customers from future business if they post a negative review about them on the web. What do you think about that? We are hearing about scenes like this more and more. It seems to me that, if they react like this, it further reinforces when I would not want to support them anyway. Yes, I suppose it is within their rights, but I think it would be better to understand why a person left with a negative impression of my dealership.

Today is National Coffee Day. Go to one of these places for free or discounted coffee today. Don't delay. If you do, there is no way you will get one of these deals. I am not much of a coffee drinker, even though I often hear other are health reasons why I maybe should be.

Yes, Cinnamon Bun Oreos will soon be a thing. Will you try them? I probably would if we bought them, so it is just as well that we don't buy them often.

No, seriously, I have not found a single article to share today. That does make me wonder about how you surf around looking for interesting content on the interweb? Do you have certain go-to sites you check daily. You already know that I do. drudgereport, Yahoo, vox, consumerist. Nothing today, though. Do you have any sites I should add to my search?

I don't even have a new Clarity of Vision idea. So, here is a redux of a classic from six Octobers ago.

You know what happens by the time I reach this point in the post? I say goodbye for a while. Hopefully, we will have some fun stuff to include next time. Until then, have a Titanic Tuesday (no wait, would that imply something will crash today?).

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