Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Show Us the Tote Board!

How was your Labor Day? Did you watch the annual Labor Day Muscular Dystrophy Telethon? Of course, you didn't because it was not aired this year. The telethon first aired in 1965 and was hosted by Jerry Lewis until 2010. Did you miss it? I didn't even think of it until I saw a comment online that it was not aired. I did used to watch some portions of it (the national feeds, not the local ones).

Did you have a cookout? We didn't (and it seems many people did not). Sunday night, we had some baked potatoes and chili (Daughter-in-Love made me some with no beef). Today, we stayed home, ate in to save money, spent the money we saved to have some trees trimmed, and watched back episodes of Mr. Robot (man, that is one weird show).

Speaking of robots, do you have one of those robotic vacuum cleaners or robotic mowers? I saw an article saying that the mowers don't do a very good job on your yard. It sounds like, if you yard is perfectly shaped and completely level, it may work for you.

Over the weekend, I saw this photo of a TV Guide-type of magazine with a description of Wizard of Oz that is both accurate and disturbing.

The screenshot above credits the verbiage to late writer Lee Winfrey. However, other research on the interweb shows it was actually penned by Rick Polito. Here are a few more:
Interview with a Vampire: Tom Cruise is a soulless recluse who lurks in the darkness and sucks the life from all who come near him. He’s also in this movie about a vampire. (1994)

Grosse Pointe Blank: A professional killer attends his high school reunion. Unfortunately, you can’t hire him to attend yours. (1997)

The Untouchables: A federal agent in Chicago hampers the work of an enterprising American job creator. (1987)

I carried some games over to SS's house Sunday night, and Oldest Granddaughter and I played a Monopoly Dice game. I snuck by with a win. Otherwise, all we played was MyVegas on our phones. I did come across a couple of online versions of games that I like. One is a online version of Dominion, and the other is an online version of Catan. And I came across a site where you can supposedly play a bunch of board games for free online, but I haven't really tried them yet.

I was scanning for photos to share and I came across a photo of Yosemite from 150 years ago. Thanks to the protection of it being protected by order of Abraham Lincoln, it still looks much the same.

Which then led me to look for another piece of artwork related to Yosemite that looked interesting to me.

Speaking of national parks, I saw 19 cool photos of parks in Fall. I really like photo #2 of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. And I took one a lot like #8 in Zion. How about you? Which intrigues you to want to visit the park?

A bit of honey water everyday will make you healthier. That's what Lifehack says. Lose weight. Boost your immune system. Clear up your skin. You've got to read about it now, right? I know. I did, too.

Hey, let's check out a Clarity of Vision comic before we check out for the day.

And now, I need to do some labor (after doing none on Labor Day). Until out next visit, have a Tremendous Tuesday.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Well, it's hard to argue with Autumn in any place that has a reasonable showing of fall foliage. That being said, my top three picks based on these photos would be #2, #9 and #11.