Monday, September 28, 2015

Super Blood Moon (Not a Band Name)

Did you see the super blood moon last night. I was driving over to the grocery store, heading east, and I saw this really cool moon, semi-red, just at the horizon. It looked like the photo below. The sun was shining on the right side of the moon and the left was dark and red. Anyway, it was so low, I decided to wait until after I shopped before I took a photo. Big mistake. Yes, the eclipse continued, but I lost the impact of the giant-sized moon at the horizon. Oh well. Did you go look at it? What did you think?

Here's what it looked like by the time I got home and went out for a photo. Yeah, not quite as impressive.

Let's think back to dear Violet Jessop. Do you remember her story? No? I actually did not know of her, either, until I read this interesting factoid. Violet Jessop was an early 20th century stewardess/nurse with a particularly curious distinction: she was on the Olympic, the Titanic, and the Britannic. She survived the collision of the Olympic with another ship and the sinking of the latter two vessels. Seems like she might have been good luck to know.

Here is a story that the director of our multi-church choir shared at today's concert.
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, Ryan 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. "If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, 'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.'" Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus!"

Do you have a few minutes for reading? Do you like real-life tales of derring-do? Well, this is more like real-life tales of tracking bad guys. This article talks about a guy who flew to Mexico tracking people who put those bluetooth skimmers on ATMs. I really enjoyed it. It is like that book, Cuckoo's Egg, by Clifford Stoll, who tracked hackers using old-school techniques back in 1989.

Are you an iPhone user? Will you (or have you already) upgrade to a new 6s? Finally, have you already put iOS9 on your current phone? If you do all of those, check out these new features of Siri. Outside of the implications of Siri always listening to you, it would be cool to call out to her and have her respond so you could find your phone. Am I right? Ask her what song is playing instead of launching Shazam. Other stuff, too.

Are you a car user? Of course, you are. Everyone (at least that I know) has at least one. Anyway, Consumer Reports has come out with their list of best and worst cars for this year. Sorry, fiat owners, your car came in dead last, with Jeep just above that. Mazda took the #2 spot and #1 was .... No, I can't spoil the surprise. Click the link and find out.

Here's a quote from outgoing Speaker of the House John Boehner. "The only way to get our economy going again and solve our budget problems is to get the economy moving." Here's my take on that quote.

Do you get all nervous when it is time for your annual performance review at work? Well, I am feeling that way right now since mine comes up later this morning. I spent time last night pulling together information about the tasks I completed last year and the places where I felt I added value to the team. Are there areas of improvement? Of course, and I have some of those listed, too, so I can take control of the meeting, even in those places where my boss will say I did not do as well as I should have. It is over before lunch, so maybe I can relax by then,.

Do you get all nervous when each day's blog post is over? Of course you do, because you know you will have to wait 24 hours before another one is posted. Sorry, but that is exactly what time it is now. Start your timers and meet me back here in 23 hours 57 minutes 16 15 14 seconds.


Keith said...

One of the few days a year we get clouds here close to Death Valley, and it had to be yesterday. They were thin clouds but for the most part we totally missed the eclipse.

denise tucker said... great to know that i (actually my dad) have the number 3 on the list of great cars to drive!

ATM's answer would be just to stop using these machines and use/carry cash? some us have income below $20,000 but God still provides other words since i dont have much money to pull from such a machine then i dont have the frequency nor the risk of some gangsta, hoodlum or bank heister to steal what money they think they are gonna get.

always fun to read the little extra's in yer blog mr. walker

ciao, until the eve rolls around and the voices take over and invade
the room at crossroads