Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Simpsons Signs, Songs, Shooting, Starships and Spielberg

Do you like Steven Spielberg movies? Come on. Who doesn't? Which do you think Yahoo would rank as the worst? As the best? And once you check them out in this article, do you agree with their rankings? War Horse and Always are near the bottom, but not the lowest ranked. War of the Worlds is in the middle. Duel is #13. I would have ranked that higher. Have you ever seen it? It makes you scared of 18-wheelers. I am not going to name the top 3 (maybe even 4). You should be able to guess them, though.

Here is a shot of the GRANDS standing under some dripping water to cool off the other weekend. The woman photobombing in the background was not with us, but she could not have timed her intrusion any better. I never noticed her until I downloaded the photos.

If I had noticed her earlier, maybe I could have had my oldest grandchild (OG) shoot at her in the arcade. By the way, OG had a higher arcade shooting score than her father and I did, even if her stance is a little unorthodox.

Did I mention that TD's birthday was last week? If I didn't, that's horrible. Did we sing Happy Birthday to her? I can't tell you yes or no because the song is copyrighted. What? It's not anymore? A US District Court judge ruled the copyright invalid. Whoo hoo. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear daughter. Happy birthday to you.

Have you heard of the Nobel Prize? Of course you have. Do you know what they are? No, me neither, and I really don't care. Anyway, someone has come up with the Ig-Nobel Awards. One team of researchers showed it is possible to partially un-boil an egg with chemicals. One team won an award for attaching a weighted stick to a chicken's rear end to demonstrate how dinosaurs might have walked. One team found that the word 'huh' exists in every language. You can see the full list here.

Who wants to go on a walkthrough of a 3D Starship Enterprise NCC-1701-D? It is a work in progress, but it is still quite well done. Lace up your sneakers and sneak over for a peek.

Let's slip a Clarity of Vision comic in right here, OK?

Did you hear that Yogi Berra died? I do not remember him as a baseball player (he won 10 World Series rings), but I do remember him for his famous malapropisms. And I have heard, although it is disputed, that the cartoon character Yogi Bear was named after him. Anyway, let's remember a few of his quotes.
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
You can observe a lot by just watching.
It ain't over till it's over
It's like déjà vu all over again.
No one goes there nowadays, it’s too crowded.
Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical.
A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.
Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.
We made too many wrong mistakes.
Congratulations. I knew the record would stand until it was broken.

Most likely this next story will appeal only to SS or maybe Jaybe. Similar to Ryan Adams' track-by-track remake of Taylor Swift's 1989, a number of other artists have done similar things. Covers from The Who, The Beatles, the Stones, Fleetwood Mac have all been recorded in the past. Here is a list of them. Be warned. Some now contain profanity. For me, only maybe one or two even sound remotely like something I would listen to.

Hey, how was that Snickers bar? Would you walk 2-1/2 miles to get it? Well, that's how many steps it takes to work off the 215 calories it contains. 1-1/2 miles for a can of Dr. Pepper? 11.8 miles for a Chipotle Chicken Burrito (no guacamole)? The worst offender, which would take 22 miles to walk off, is .... No, go read the story to see the other items listed and find out which is the worst offender.

I found an article on Yahoo about the crazy signs shown on The Simpsons. You can see them all here, and I just grabbed one to share below. I also liked "Springfield Christian School - We Put The Fun In Fundamentalist Dogma" It reminds me of a sign my father saw during our trip to Louisiana last week. On the rental car bus at the airport was a sign saying something about "No standees in rear of bus." What is a standee? Who is the stander?

Are you going to watch the CSI series finale this coming Sunday? I will. After all, we stayed with it through cast changes, repeated story lines, and overdone technical montages.

Survivor kicks off tonight, but no Survivor party yet. We already had haircuts scheduled, so the inaugural party begins next Wednesday.

Have a Wild and Wacky Wednesday, my friends. Yes, wild AND wacky. Promise me.


Keith said...

Hey! Where's my Spielberg links?

CrazyUncle said...

Why, it's there. Somehow, you must have missed it. OK, I actually added it in. Sorry for the oversight.