Thursday, December 18, 2014

Throwing Back to 1986 or So

I heard that it is Throwback Thursday on Facebook. Well, even though this isn't Facebook, I do have some throwback photos to share. Here are TD and SS at a state park a few years ago.

Unusually, I am even in a shot with them.

Since we are looking at the kids, let's remember how they liked the characters at The Dis.

And here we are with the grandkids on this year's Christmas card.

Let's share another funny Christmas card from the interweb.

Did y'all watch the end of Season 20 Survivor? EXCELLENT blindside for the final Tribal Council. I did NOT see it coming, and neither did the recipient.

There are three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who cannot.

Sometimes, I have a follow-up idea about a previous CoV that leads to another related one. This is one of those times.

Did you see the sneaky wish for a Happy Birthday to Dad in the final panel? No? Well, take a second look.
And feel free to wish him a Happy Birthday yourself. I think I will. Happy Birthday, Dad.

I am not finding anything else to add in today. So, we all get a break from the endless droning  of my normal link-crazed, photo-sharing self. Go out for a Thrilling Thursday and return tomorrow, refreshed and ready for a new A Legend In My Own Mind post.

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