Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Is It Really the HAPPIEST place on Earth?

Well, one thing I will say about Disneyland is that it truly does transport you from the hubbub of Los Angeles into another world. I suppose that it could easily be the happiest place if you let it. Sure, there are crowds there. Sure, eating in the park will run you $10 a person per meal, at least. Sure, you wait 30 per ride in line. But, you are not at work. But, you are not worried about daily bills. But, you are having quality time with your family. So, our family chooses to hit the park several times each year, and we enjoy it every time.

Here is one show from Sunday of two GRANDS on It's a Small World. The rest are on my camera and I have not unloaded them yet.

Now for some disappointing news from Friday's day at the Mayo for my annual physical. My highly touted vegan diet is not healthy for me. Well, not as a strict vegan. My cholesterol numbers are still REALLY high. It seems my body cannot process carbs, so the Doc wants me to be Vegan Plus. I need to add in some other foods and cut way back on carbs including black beans and brown rice (which have been my staple for the past 16 months to make sure I took in enough protein). She has written a booklet and wants me to read it and begin to adjust my eating habits. Until I know how, and as I reintroduce additional options, I have stayed true to my diet even at Disneyland this past weekend. I will let you know how it goes.

Since I had so much time at the Mayo on Friday, I checked out the artwork on the walls. Here are a couple of items that caught my eye. First was how much like a photograph this painting looked. I liked it.

Next is another lifelike shot of clouds forming over desert rocks. OK, it is not exactly lifelike but rather blocky and chunky and funky. I liked the scale of the clouds over the relatively small rock mountains.

And I had not planned a new Clarity of Vision, so I was going to bring back COV#2. However, as I started to recreate it in bitstrips, a different idea came to mind of the characters breaking the fourth wall. When I loaded the two players for today, I noticed how they appeared as initially loaded by the tool and decided to have them discuss it.

I will check out this article about foods that should be helpful as I rethink my diet. The headline reads "These foods containing fiber, protein and plant-based fat tend to be the most satisfying."

Are you looking forward to the various college bowls during the holiday season? If so, check out this story where all 38 bowl matchups are reviewed and ranked. Do you agree with their ratings. Spoiler alert: they place the Cotton Bowl with Baylor at #3. I bet NZ Niece's Hubby might disagree, thinking it should be #1.

I saw this recipe for thyme-roasted almonds and thought it sounded tasty. When I looked closer, I read that it starts with roasted, slated almonds that are then cooked with kosher salt and sea salt. "Would you like any almonds with your salt, sir?"

After missing a day of work this week and being away from work on Friday, I have got to get something done today. As you know, it is Tremendous Tuesday, so go make sure that is true.

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