Monday, November 05, 2012


I am typing while intoxicated. My coughing started acting up last night right at bedtime. Don't you hate that? Finally, around midnight, I decided to take something so I (more importantly, my lovely wife) could sleep. I decided on Nyquil so it would knock me out. Well, it worked and because I took it so late, I am still feeling the effects.

We have a forecast high for 92˚ today, which makes me long for those cool days up in Ouray a few weeks ago. Here is a shot from one morning during a nice gentle rain.

Thanks for your prayers yesterday. I made it through my Sunday School lesson with a minimum of coughing. Oh, while I am thinking of it, I checked what range my voice is during this cold/allergy/whatever and I can go down to a low F right now. Normally, C or maybe B is my lowest note. Anyway, I did use my recent layoff as fodder for the classroom discussion and suddenly, we took a detour into supportive discussion and God's guidance in my life. Overall, though, I used the example of how the lesson (Neh 10, remember?) kept chiseling away at my gray areas of life. For example, one of the discussion questions was "When in your life have difficult circumstances motivated you to recommit yourself to the Lord?" Another that I added was "would or could you give up your annual salary every seventh year to show that you truly trust God to support you?" Anyway, it was a good morning.

I am better (at least this morning), but not yet over this. I may end up finding a doctor tomorrow if it is not significantly better by this evening. The girls did not get to spend the night Saturday night because of it. I will see them this coming weekend, though, so that will be fun. offered a deal of one free month of Job Seeker advanced membership, so I grabbed that. I was looking last night and see at least one more job at CVS/Caremark that looks interesting, so I will apply once I finish this. I have already applied for another job at CVS and do have a former coworker there, so I will let her know that I applied. It cannot hurt, right?

OK, I have monopolized your time enough for today. Thanks for sitting a spell.

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