Thursday, November 08, 2012

If It Weren't For Bad Luck...

I'd have no luck at all. Remember that old song. I first heard it on a corny country-themed TV program (Hee Haw for you oldtimers out there) back in the day, and it seems to fit the situation. What happened to make me say that? It seems the cat knocked my camera off a shelf last night and broke my lens. So, we will need to rely on Lyndsay's camera to capture the weekend.

I am contacting a placement firm this afternoon at 2:30pm. It can't hurt. I did submit an application for another PM job yesterday. I saved a couple to my desktop last night that I will review again once I finish this post.

OK, enough bad news. Let's check out some photos That I played with yesterday afternoon after I finished the laundry and my job search.

Here is a shot of us in Telluride (actually, Mountain Village) processed to look like a fashion high key photo.

There is an inexpensive camera out of Russia that has captivated worldwide interest called a Lomo. Some enterprising people figured out how to replicate that look in Photoshop and I have replicated that here in this shot of stairs in an abandoned house in Ironton south of Ouray. BTW, Preacher Bro, Architect Bro, Paps McGruck, you can see the suspended bridge in Google Maps once you move down the gully from Ironton. Check this link.

What did this shot look like before I processed it?
Which do you like better? Yeah, me, too.

I got my final report back from the Mayo about my physical. It reminds me that I need to get back to the gym (I have sort of neglected it since becoming unemployed), and I need to research exactly how to follow the Mediterranean Diet.

This post is not that long. It just looks that way because of the three photos I included. Still, you've suffered enough for today. Let's go do other stuff for a bit, OK?

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