Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How Good is Your Memory?

Do you remember what I said I did yesterday? I met with a recruiting firm in the morning and hoped they would be able to help me in my job search. Well, they sent me a job posting yesterday afternoon that does indeed look interesting. So, as long as they feed me opportunities like that, it seems like an effective pairing. I told them to go ahead and send my resume to this firm (BofA, BTW).

And then, in the afternoon, we met with a financial planner at our credit union who talked about the importance of a will/trust and kicked our backsides about the debt load we still have. He's right on both fronts. So, as soon as I have an income, we will set up a will and consider a trust in the future.

I did go to Chorale practice last night and sang some, although I am not 100% yet. I should be even better in time for our concert Sunday afternoon. This is probably our last non-Christmas concert of the year.

Here is a nice shot of us with the GRANDS in Pinetop. I lifted it from Lyndsay's Facebook page.

Don't you hate it when you misplace a debit/credit card? I filled up yesterday on the way to the recruiting interview and then, last night, I could not find the debit card. So, I had to call and cancel it and order a new one. I checked the account and no charges were made, so we should be safe on that. It also probably means that i will find it some time today, right?

Hey, what is with all this secession talk? And TX and AZ are right in the thick of it. Pretty silly. Whether I agree with the election results or not, this is a dumb idea. I cannot imagine all the unrecognized benefits we gain by being a state in the union.

Well, my media naranja left me a Honey Do list, so I need to shower and get started. Thanks for your time.

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