Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fine! I'll Update the Blog!

Well, I was called out by Preacher Bro. Apparently, he actually checked the blog and noticed there has been no update in the last week. That's because there has been no change in the last week. Still, let me give you the particulars of what no change entails.

I have found 13 jobs of interest and have applied for 11 of them. I will apply for the other two and check for more after I finish this post. I know. I've only found 13 that match my skills. That is a bit depressing, although I am not actually depressed...yet. I have only heard back from one of them (I told you a couple of weeks ago that they are hiring from within). I still search the boards everyday (dice, indeed, careerbuilder) and if I see something close, I also go to that company's site to see if any others are posted there.

Dad came by and started destroying the shower in the Master Bath. No, that's a good thing. It has not been working for over a year, so we need to rebuild it. I was originally thinking to have it professionally redone, but that was shelved once I lost my job. So, since Dad and I both need something to do, we started to pull off the bottom three rows of tiles so we can install a vinyl pan. You can see what the tile looks like in the shot from when we had it installed. Unfortunately, I did not know to watch for the installation (or actually, lack thereof) a pan. So, it leaked into the bedroom and ruined the carpet and the wall, and would sometimes leak into the kitchen on the other side of the shower stall. We've been using the Guest Bath since then.

Since we started working on the shower, I did not take time yesterday to play with photos, so here is a montage of photos from our 2004 UK trip. I created a couple of pages towards the end of the photo book to include photos I had not used in the previous pages. Notice a photo in the middle of the page showing that we visited the 2004 Loo of the Year. Yeah, baby.

We are heading up to Flagstaff for North Pole Experience this weekend. UPDATE to the update: Ali is going. I originally said she was not because I knew we did not need to board the animals. Instead, she is going and Dad will come over and care for the animals. END UPDATE. And in two weeks, the fam will head over to Disneyland for the annual Christmas/Birthday trip. I will not be going (a little too expensive since I don't have an annual pass like the rest of them). In between all of this, the East Valley Chorale is beginning its busy season of concerts. Who has time for work, right?

Once I do go back to work, the dog will be sad. Right now, he goes in and out maybe 10 times a day. Whenever he goes to the door, I let him out and he'll stay outside for 30 min or more in our nice weather. Oh well, he'll have to get used to it. And I will have to adjust my exercise schedule, since I head over there at 7:30am right now and it is so empty. It's really nice and it gets it over for the day.

I will try to get around to updating before another week passes. I'm glad someone noticed, even if it was my brother.

1 comment:

Keith said...

And your brother thanks you!