Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Now, I'll Get a Job, For Sure

I just got back from applying to renew my fingerprint card so I could substitute teach while I look for a job. I had to cough up $67 to apply. Now if that doesn't ensure I will get a job immediately, then Murphy's Law has been repealed. It takes about four weeks to get a card right now, so I can will be available to teach starting after Christmas break. I also added myself to K's insurance. Another sure sign that I will get a job soon.

There was one troubling question I had to answer on the application. Hair color. Can you guess why it was troubling? Should I write brown or the color it mostly is now? I chose brown, but may write something else next time.

I talked to the placement firm yesterday and my contact said I should go ahead and apply for any job listings I find. Hmm. Then why am I even working with them? Luckily, I did not pay anything for their services. So, I applied for two yesterday and have another four or five to complete today.

A lot of today's cameras offer in-camera effects that can be applied, even without post-processing. This came straight out of Preacher Bro's camera after applying a sepia tone (pronounced see-pee-ah) so it looked like an old photograph. I suppose no one should have smiled, huh?

I see that they are canceling Last Resort on ABC. I am not surprised, but I did like it. CSI:NY seems to be on its last legs, too. However, our Wednesday guilty pleasure, Survivor, keeps on plugging. Of course, it is a reality show, so they have different rules.

We are starting a new study in Sunday School about What Jesus Demands From the World by John Piper. The Nehemiah study we just finished was good, but not as fun for me as past studies.

Well, I need to get those job applications submitted, so I will leave you...probably until after Thanksgiving. Have a great one and remember to give God thanks for all your blessings (and I am sure there are many we take for granted. Well, that's true for me, anyway).

1 comment:

Keith said...

...We're waiting...