Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Four More Years

OK, America has called for Obama to continue his policies. Aren't we lucky to know that God is in control of our leaders? All we can do is lift him and all leaders up in prayer each day.

And all I can do is lift up my job search to the Lord, also. Well, what I mean is that I have to trust Him to guide me to the right position for me. I still search job boards, contact former coworkers, and apply to interesting looking jobs, but I want His Will.

Hey, did I tell you that one of my team members starts her new job today? That is great news for her, and good news for me since it means people are hiring, and now I have another contact at another company.

I will take a break from this over the weekend as we head up into the mountains with JV+KLIK. That will, hopefully, be a nice diversion from the anxiety of unemployment.

And I will take a break tonight as we head over to the Survivor party. That TV show is one that must be shared to be enjoyed. I mean, when you are sitting there alone watching it, you never yell out, "What? He's changing his alliance to THEM?"

I have begun building a book with photos from this summer. However, I am not sure I will use iPhoto's tool to print it. It works OK to help me chose the photos to include and find ideas for the theme of each page, but it limits me in combining text and photos, so I may move back to Blurb. I'll let you know. Lyndsay uses picaboo a lot, but it was not available for Mac (although it looks like it may be now). Here is a cover design I may use.

It looks like I have babbling a bit today since my thoughts are all over the map. I will stop yammering now and let you get back to your lives.

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