Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Picking and (Not) Grinning and Curling

Well, the Valentine's Banquet last Sunday night was a lot of fun. We had an entertainer from the area named (I think) Tom Jordan. He was billed as an illusionist, but did several things. He made birds appear, bowling balls from black balloons. He also played the accordion and did some "polka praise." He picked on the banjo, and imitated Red Skelton. We had a great time.

The folks said the concert of the East Valley Chorale went really sell. Some 960 attended, the largest crowd ever for an event at Mesa Regal RV Park. That's a lotta people. I wonder what the total number would be if we added the ages of all attendees?

Why am I not grinning? Well, my start date at US Airways has been moved back to 27 Feb. I asked and was assured that the job is still mine. It seems that, usually, the company has two weeks to prepare for a new hire because they needed to give their previous employer notice. Since I could come in one week, they tried to push my paperwork through, but not everything could get done. So, a little delay.

That could mean that I get to substitute teach a few extra times. It could also mean that I spend extra time preparing for Easter music and choir specials at church. It might even mean I watch a few more episodes of Ellen.

The folks are headed up to CO to meet architect brother's family for skiing. I think they just wanted to get out of these stinking 80 degree days. The dilemma is what to do about Survivor on Thursday. Do we still invade their house or stay home and have Carey over? Last time, we went to Carey's place. That worked out OK because then she had to clean her house and we did not. This time, hmm.

Right now, the Japanese girls are beating the Americans in curling. Speaking of Olympics, (well, I was even if you were not), did y'all see those skaters last night? They showed a prior fall by the Russian women that knocked her unconscious. And a Japanese skater tried a quadruple hoop-de-hoo and hurt her knee. She bravely came back and they won silver. What? They totally blow a required element and still medal? And the night before, the Wacky Tobacky or Crazy Tomato or something like that won the men's snowboard. Go Team USA!


Brenda Walker said...

Well, I would vote for invading Grand-dad's place, but then, I don't watch reality tv. I'm just a fan of large tv's that move at the push of a button!!!

Lindsay Ward said...

Funny that they are leaving to get away from the 80 degree days and the day after they leave the high is going to be 40! Flying Tomato and I did see the Japanese skater. Glad no one is going to be launching me into the air anytime soon. That looked painful.

Anonymous said...

I vote for gonig to Crazy Tomato's house. I hope he wins more medals. Or even metals! What?

Caleb said...

I'm sorry about your job. Wacky Tobacky... Is that when your back gets bent out of shape?