Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why Don't You Come to Your Senses?

Desperado, by the Eagles. What about it? It was the song in my head during my shower this morning. Thinking of that song also reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine is dating a man who must stop and listen to the entire song when he hears it. I just looked it up and the episode is entitled "The Checks".

I just finished my web search for today and found nothing I wanted to share. What does that mean for content in the blog post today? I am not sure, but I will start writing and see where my ideas lead me. First, I want to say it is a shame that Ted Cruz did not endorse Trump in his speech at last night's RNC speech. No, I did not watch it, but it dominates the news this morning. Why do I think it is a shame? I believe it further fractures a divided (possibly terminal) party at a time when they can least afford it. Let me lay all my cards on the table by saying that I do not really like the candidate from either party. Each has some positives when compared to their opponents, but each also brings an enormous (or should I say, 'huuuge') amount of baggage that makes them unnerving as our country's chief executive. Still, if Cruz really wants to represent the party in the future, he should have found a way to pledge his support even as he lays his groundwork for 2020. It will be interesting to see if Trump gives us any substance tonight to garner support, and to see what Clinton does next week.

I like a nice fruit salad during the long, hot summer. And this one, with a light citrus dressing, sounds pleasant. Will I make it? I don't know, but if I do, I will omit the grapefruit and looks for some other fun fruits to add (starfruit, maybe?). The blackberries look tasty, and maybe some mango would be fun.

Here is a cute addendum to someone's camp letter.

Oh, Vivian, you cute little wiener dog. I see you walking in the park with your owner in the photo and it looks more like you own him. I am also amazed at the owner's skill with Photoshop. All of them so far have looked very realistic.

Want to see a clever sign, especially while this whole Pokemon craze is going on?

Family photo time. For our Sunday meal in Ouray, we brought in a guy to make us BBQ. He fixed a nice spread, as you can see.

I did take a drone video of us gathering for the meal, and the cook said it was the third time in two weeks that he had been filmed by a drone. Here is a regular photo of him making our meal. Sorry, I cannot remember his name right now.

It wasn't because it was Sunday that we offered a prayer for our meal and our family. It is a part of our heritage.

Let me see if I can upload the video. Nope, it says it is too big. I may end up using youtube or vimeo. However, I can upload a photo of an inanimate dryer after working hard on a load.

I played some more last night with another option for creating web comics. Nope, I was not impressed. What am I gonna do, folks? Will I need to look into purchasing an app to do this? Maybe. The clock's ticking, folks. I've got to find something.

However, I will not find it this morning. It is time to do some work. Have a Thrilling Thursday and be a blessing to someone today.

1 comment:

Keith said...

His name is Scotty. He owns and operates Hog Rock BBQ.