Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve

Most people don't really use the word 'eve' before many things, do they? I know we do for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, but when else? Vacation Eve? Saturday Eve? July the Fourth Eve? Anyway, today is Thanksgiving Eve, whether we say it or not. So, I used that as the title for both today's post and today's Clarity of Vision.

Of course, I don't actually eat turkey, but I imagine most of you do. So, I want to share some recipes from the 19th century on ways to prepare the bird. And in a departure from my usual fare, how about a little poem?
Turkey boiled is turkey spoiled;
And turkey roast is turkey lost;
But for turkey braised, the Lord be praised.

I just read that the FCC is looking to require people who want to fly drones to have a airplane pilot's license. Is that odd? Do I need to know about using flaps on a plan to use a remote control while standing on the ground to fly a drone?

Have y'all ever heard of a singer named M. Ward? Is he related to EX-NZ Niece or her hubby? Not that I know of, but it is possible. He is sort of a folkish-type singer. I have the Transfiguration of Vincent CD thanks to SS, but now, I want more. And he is in a singing group with Zooey Deschanel. Crazy, right?

Who was the first president of the nation? I'm sorry, who did you say? George Washington? Well, kind of. Actually, John Hanson was the first president of the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation, the precursor to the Constitution. You can read a little more here.

Who was Troy Aikman? That may sound like a Jeopardy answer, but it is really setting up the Dallas Cowboys former quarterback for the question asked of him. Who was the greatest quarterback ever? Did he name himself? No, you can guess he did not, but who DID he pick? You can read about it and listen to it in this article.

Who remembers when the US had a space program? I do, and that is why this photo series of forgotten launch sites is so compelling.

Do you ever play with Google Earth? Me, not so much, but these images could make me curious enough to at least seek them out. How many of them have heard about before? A giant pink rabbit, larger than a house? Weird.

I just found out that Leon Russell released a new album this year. And that he joined Elton John on his Unions album. I think he still sounds pretty good, especially for a 72-year-old singer. Listen to Down in Dixieland from this new album, Life Journey.

Nope, no photos. As you know, this often happens on Wednesdays after having Chorale practice on Tuesday night.

Listen, y'all. Have a great and restful Thanksgiving and we will meet again next Monday. Be truly thankful for your many blessings. I know that I am.

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