Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Excuse Me While I Sneeze, Cough, Sniff, ....

I have a CoV today that will DWARF all previous ones.

I might have misled you as far as the Clarity of Vision. I meant it was more about dwarves than any previous ones.

Here is a recent entry from my 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar:
11/11/14 Spoken dialogue in English: Kim is a Vietnam vet, on-screen subtitle in Danish: Jim is a veterinarian from Vietnam.

Have you been cogitating on who you first cousin twice-removed is? Cogitate no more. You can use this chart to find it out.

How much is 80GB of photos? I don't know, either, but luckily NASA took these photos from astronauts and made it into a video less than 3 min long. I enjoyed it.

Did you ever fly back in the 1980s? If so, you probably remember the smoking section, meeting people at the gates, etc. Take a puddle jumper back through time and read about other things that have changed since then.

Chocolate hoarding could soon be a real thing. I'm sure you have heard the story, but, if not, read it right now.

My photos of the remaining Ouray calendar pages that you have not seen. First up are some wildflowers near Imogene Pass.

Next is one of the lakes along the Blue Lake trail.

And we will wind up our viewing party with a view of the gondola station in Mountain Village, just over the hill from Telluride.

Haven't you ever wondered why there's no convenient place for you to carry a guitar pick with you when you travel. You wouldn't want it in your luggage in case that gets lost. Hey, what about in your wallet? Yep, you can now rest assured....

I am not finding much to share today, so let's shut 'er down. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities for curious facts. Maybe I will tell you about tonight's choir concert for GRAND #1, if I remember. Go and have a Terrific Tuesday.

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