Thursday, July 03, 2008


Yes, you heard me. The title says it all. OK, fine. I'll translate it. One interesting experience plus no updates equals one new post.

I just woke up this morning for no reason. It did not feel like time to get up yet, but you never know. So, I said to myself that if it was 5am, then it was God waking me up to pray. Guess what! It was 4:59am. Close enough. So, I began praying and an arrangement of a song came into my head. It was beautiful. I had a way to weave parts together. It had orchestration. I knew I had to write it down. So, I focused on the first verse so I could write it down in an hour when I got up. Then, I went back to sleep.

The alarm woke me at 6:15am. I dragged myself into the shower and started thinking about the song. Oh, what was it? I can remember the way the first notes went. Here. Listen. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Yeah, me too. Just teasingly out of distance. In the shower, a thought came to me. Did I decide it or did God tell me? Anyway, the song was part of prayer time today and not for sharing. It was a way for me to communicate with and praise God. Maybe some day, he'll let me share it, but I guess not today.

Still, how can you go wrong with that?

Guess what!! I got paid! That's right. After just 56 weeks without a paycheck, I got one. Well, that's not true. I got some from substitute teaching. But it sounds more impressive to say 56 weeks than 8 weeks.

We are heading out to Queen Creek for the Fourth. That's good. I bet it is 2 degrees cooler out there, so it might only be 105 by the time for fireworks.

Have a good holiday.


Craig Weeks said...

Almost two weeks with no Randyisms. Apalling. Is that what working is going to mean?

That *is* an interesting experience.

Craig Weeks said...

Oh, and let me share some nice patriotic choral music with you and yours.

click: Southeast Christian Men's Chorus, Louisville, KY