Monday, July 14, 2008

The Direst of Ouray News

La Papillon, the famous donut place for years and years in Ouray, is NO MORE. We went looking for it today (just out of curiosity. We weren't going to eat that stuff. It's bad for you) and couldn't find it. We asked at the local grocery store and they said it was closed permanently and when we asked if it was making money or losing money, they said "It's more complicated than that." Ooo. Ominous sounding, huh?

What does an Arizona person does when it turns nighttime here in Ouray? That's right. They put on jackets or even huddle under blankets. This is what Kathie did while I was taking sunset photos.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Alas, my friend, we may be entering a new Dark Age. The Lone Star Bakery, home of the famous Round Rock donuts, has apparently changed ownership and the quality of the signature product has decline slightly but perceptibly. Be strong for me and I will do the same for you.