Saturday, July 05, 2008

Friday the Fourth was Fun with Family

We spent the Fourth with Kyle and Lyndsay and her family. I am sure more photos will come, but for now, here's two.

Here is last night's sunset. It was pretty.I took it as a series of five pictures with my camera tilted upright. That way, it captures more pixels, and you know how important those pixels are. Then, I assembled them in Photoshop.It is a 20" x 8" pic and I am thinking of printing it.

We had five little ones with us. It was a blustery night and we were not convinced that the nearest fireworks shows would happen. So, we decided to just watch what we could see from their neighborhood. This is my best shot. Also, since I am still learning my camera, it is my only one that you can actually recognize fireworks in.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, glad you are having fun with your camera

The Grandparents said...

That is some picture! I think you should print it.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great picture! I'm glad to see you haven't lost your creativity now that your back into the corporate world.
Praying the job will turn into something permanent.
Preacher Bro

Craig Weeks said...

Looks like you are in need of a good telephoto lens next. Christmas or birthday, whichever comes first.