Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Reality of Reality

Ooo-wee. Isn't Big Brother 6 interesting? Almost over, though. Survivor is starting again. Amazing Race is coming back. Apprentice returns. Apprentice:Martha shows up. So, is it coincidence that Bob Denver (Gilligan) passed away just before all these are on for this TV season? I'll leave that to you to decide. If I could choose, I'd take new stuff like Gilligan's Island over all almost anything on TV nowadays.

Mr. Politico Kyle raises the blog stakes with an entry on the Pledge of Allegiance. Suddenly, I have to read something that makes me think? The only reason I could finish it was because he included a picture. If you look, I think you can see G-Mom and G-Dad in it, and G-Dad is holding the flag.

I sent ZKW most of a 1972 Kenny Rogers and the First Edition album. Yeah, baby. Next, maybe I can get KDW to listen to The Carpenters. Or convert Keith over to Black Sabbath (well, it does have the word Sabbath in the name)?

I got inspired today to try and make one of my photos look like something from Ansel Adams. What do you think?


Brenda Walker said...

Hey uncle randy just thought you should know that Zachary just loves the song on your blog. He clicks on it all the time just to hear it and then starts doing a little dance in his chair. It is quite funny.

Brenda Walker said...

So, you're into the Big Brother show huh? Wierd

Thanks for the songs, I enjoyed listening to them this afternoon. Dad already loves Black Sabbath, that is why he wanted me to put the system in his Jeep.

Alison said...

Dad, I love Ansel Adams. Go for it