Thursday, August 09, 2007

What Are You Reading?

Something I had forgotten since I was unemployed 2 years ago is that I tend to do less reading for pleasure, even though I had more time. Kathie, Ali and I all enjoy reading. I think Kyle reads some, but certainly less. I don't know about Lyndsay.

Anyway, isn't it exciting as you near the climax of a story and look forward to what you will learn in the following pages? I was in the shower this morning thinking about not doing any reading when I realized I never call the Bible something I read for pleasure. How sad for me, huh? It is not that I don't want to read the Bible, and I do enjoy reading it but it does seem to come second. Right now, if not always, it should be the place where I look forward to seeing what I can learn from the Author. Some days, I let the whole day go by and the only Scripture I read is from my Verse of the Day (VOD). That is a difficult admission, even to myself. I resolve to fix that, starting today.

Today's VOD is Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

So, what are YOU reading?


Mimi and Poppy said...

I'm just testing this thing because I'm sick and tired of pouring my little heart out and then not being able to leave the comment!

Mimi and Poppy said...

Wouldn't you know that one would finally be the one to work!
Reading is good. I'm reading Housekeeping by Marilynn Robinson. I like to camp out in the Psalms when I'm in a crisis because they teach me God's character, love, power, and care for His people which helps me trust Him since I'm stupid and tend to fear more than trust. I'm also reading the gospels -- I just thought maybe it would be a good idea to read what Jesus said. Novel idea.

Brenda said...

I am reading redemption by karen kingsbury. It is a good read so far

X's and O's said...

I'm reading a compilation of documents called Creating the Constitution, not very exciting since it is research for school. For fun though I'm reading What to Expect When You're Expecting, I set aside an afternoon once a month to read the next months excitements and then I tell Ryan about all the fun things we have coming...he just rolls his eyes at me, but I keep reading because it makes me smile. I hope whatever you choose to read makes you smile!

Katie80 said...

I'm reading The Camel Club by David Baldacci. I haven't really gotten into it yet, but Jay says it starts off kinda slow, so I'm trying to give it a chance.
I finished The Emporer of Ocean Park shortly after our vacation. I enjoyed that one!

CrazyUncle said...

I just read "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," and "Farm Animals" to Bella. She enjoyed them both.
Your Beloved

SuzieQ said...

I am reading (counting) the pattern for the cross stich I am doing. I pretty much am focused on that in my free time. Oh, I did read a magazine on the plane - Real Simple May 2007...does that count? I am ready for The Big Red Barn and The Runaway Bunny and time now :). The boys were over on Saturday and were so awesome...but I did not read to them...that time will come.

X's and O's said...

Now I read, at least every night before I go to sleep, Early Bird on Sesame Street or Mr. Grumpy to my tummy...he really seems to like when Daddy reads to him because he starts kicking and turning around like crazy!