Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Back in School

So, Kathie and Alison are back at school. Kathie has 25 first graders and Alison is an aide in a classroom of 20 kindergartners. She is trying to decide if she thinks she wants to pursue teaching certification. Actually, Leigh is back in a classroom, also, but I don't know any details.

I am back into nothing. Well, not entirely true. I am doing some things, but not getting a paycheck. I am studying Oracle 11i, creating a photo book of the Ouray vacation (Rick, where are your photos?), and ripping my old LPs into iTunes. So, my number now is 4034 songs, and I have 2 James Taylor albums that need to be finished. You rip them, reduce the noise, reduce the clicks, normalize the amplitude, then add them to the iTunes library. I am also trying to help my beloved with house straightening and laundry.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

So, how does that ripping vinyl work out? Does it sound as good as CD or mp3? Have you already done Firesign Theater? Enquiring minds...
