Saturday, August 04, 2007

They Said Not To Do It

Kyle, Lyndsay, let me apologize right now for not calling you immediately. To everybody else, let me explain. When I got the biopsy results, Kyle and Lyndsay had left for Las Vegas for the weekend. I did not want to ruin their trip, so I decided to tell them when they got back. Then, I decided to go ahead and blog it because people knew when my biopsy was. No worries, right? After all, they would not check the blog during their trip. They haven't before.

You can guess what happened. They went to check in for their flight and went ahead and looked at the blog. There was my announcement, and they hadn't heard yet. So, Kathie and Alison, you were right and I was wrong. Kyle said to always tell them. They would have dealt with it and then been free to relax on their weekend.

Sorry. I should have learned from 2005 when I let them go on their honeymoon and did not tell them I had been laid off two days earlier. So, next time, full disclosure to the family. I love you all and was just trying to spare you worry.

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