Sunday, May 04, 2008

Smaller Stuff

Smaller photo and smaller granddaughter. OK, ZW, let's try a smaller version of the mosaic. That program I used saves the output as a PNG file at 90MB. That was waaay too big. So, I resaved it as a JPG with MED quality, but it was still 10MB. Here's one less than 5MB. Can you see me now?

I don't know if K&L have taken any videos of Kendall cooing, so I took it upon myself to capture some. Here she is enjoying Winnie the Pooh and friends.


K.B.'s Sweet Shoppe said...

we have taken video of her chattering but I like this one too. Nice mosaic, very impressive. I love the video of Bella...her yelling at something...kind of sums her up, huh?

Craig Weeks said...

Ok, this is so totally off-topic, but methinks the kind of people who read this rag will prove to be the ideal target market for this new genre of indie film:

Click me!

Craig Weeks said...

As long as I am providing video recommendations, claymation video joined to real people surveys.

How Happy Are You With the Way You Look?

Aaron, Kara, Walker, Sophie June, and Ford said...

I have no idea what that first paragraph means. The second . .. so cute! I keep trying to get video of SJ babbling, but W always comes in screaming.