Sunday, May 25, 2008

Meeting, Greeting, Defeating

Isabella met a kindred spirit named Isabella. Her parents call her Izzy. I definitely like the name Bella better, don't you?

Meanwhile, Kendall met a kindred spirit and they cooed at each other for a bit. His name is Zach and he is a younger man at only 4 months to Kendall's 5-1/2.

Still, after a while, partying this hard wears even the liveliest down. Just don't try to take her Rice Krispie treat away. Even that bear I see peeking out from her blanket doesn't dare try.


Caleb said...

Bella is a better name. Kindred spirits in what way? In that they coo?

CrazyUncle said...

Well, he's single, doesn't talk much, likes to chew on his fingers while cooing, gets others to feed and bathe him. Also, they both like the barefoot look and are still carrying their babyfat.