Friday, May 02, 2008

Finals and Endings

Well, in my Java class, the prof gave us the option of taking a test over the last 2 chapters AND the final, or just the chapter test and take the final next Thursday. I wanted to get them over with and even more so when he said he pulled the questions from our previous chapter tests. What? That was exactly what I had studied to prepare. Let's do it! On the chapter test, I did a 32 out of 40, my worst performance to date. And as usual, the ones I missed should not have been hard. On the final, I also missed one that should not have been missed. It was what the declaration of a main method starts with. How could I miss that? The answer was shown on several of the later questions. Oh well. I got 92 out of 94 on it.

I was perusing job posting this morning and came across one: I can haz dream Job? My rezumez! let me showz u thm" That's the subject line of a cover letter sent by a job applicant to I Can Has Cheezburger, one of the premier sites for so-called Lolcat pictures. Don't think the letter will be rejected out of hand — bad spelling is no obstacle to a job in Lolcat world. It may even be an asset.

So, I kind of like the idea of changing English so that the letter z is how make everything plural. Words like skillz, carz, zebraz, pluralz. After all, we use that sound when we sing wordz that end with s. The only timez I think it would be a problem is situations such as a room full of Elizabethz. Would they be Lizz or Liz'?

I think I want to talk about the wordz that we use to denote a group of something such as a murder of crowz. Remind me to do that soon.

No job yet. I am subbing 4 dayz next week. Fourth grade, Fifth grade and Art. I talked to my prof last night about job opportunitiez at ASU where he workz. They laid off 4 IT people last week and the school facez a 12 million dollar deficit this year. Hmm. Doesn't sound good, does it? Just think how much trouble I would be in if there WERE a recession.

Girlz are spending the night tomorrow night. I'd better clean up a bit.


K.B.'s Sweet Shoppe said...

I like the whole adding a z idea. I say go with it. You know that your granddaughters are 2 and 4 months...I really don't think they will mind if you don't clean up. Just a thought.

Caleb said...

I could say that in my Star Wars books there is a reptilian species that substitutes z's for s's. But I'd probably get mocked. Do the I Can Has Cheezburger employees get to wear hats? Sorro masks possibly.
To get to the part of the comment that actually made sense, I did try your idea for my knives. It worked pretty well.

Craig Weeks said...

Well, I'm only slightly disappointed. When I saw the word "Finals" in your title I thought "Yes! Now we are going to get some down and dirty Java talk." But, alas ... nothing but testing methodologies.

What is he talking about?